Regional Synod of Mid-America Newsletter


Transformed and Transforming
Our 15-year vision is moving forward with good momentum, but many churches still aren’t sure where they fit in to Transformed and Transforming.  What is it?  How might we get involved?  Is there anything useful for our church?  Check out a new section of our website to explore more and see how your church might benefit from the initiatives being formed.


Regional Prayer Summit: Do you believe in the power of God to transform your life, your church, your community, and your nation? Then join with others for the first CRC/RCA Chicagoland Regional Prayer Summit, Feb 25-28 at Camp Manitoqua. This will be a time of Scripture Fed, Spirit Led, Worship Based Prayer, seeking the Face of God and expectantly waiting for him to move among his people.  Click HERE for more information or to register or contact Jon Hoekema.  

Another Way of Doing Life 2015 Winter Forum with Shane Claiborne; February 27-28, 2015 in the Wisconsin Dells.  Christians are meant to be radical non-conformists, interrupting the patterns of our world with prophetic imagination—a holy counterculture. Join the Wisconsin Council of Churches and Winter Forum Presenter Shane Claiborne for a weekend of exploration around what it means to be both disciples and church in a culture that seems increasingly at odds with the heart of the gospel.  The retreat will focus on: The Irresistible Revolution, Christian Troublemakers, The Economics of Rebirth, and Resurrecting Church.  For more information or to sign up, click HERE.

The standard reimbursable mileage rate for 2015 has been set by the IRS at $.575/mile.  You can learn more HERE.

News from Camp Manitoqua

Fathers and sons, join Camp Manitoqua & Retreat Center for our Forge weekend retreat, March 13-15, 2015. Designed to give fathers the opportunity to commission their sons to begin the process of becoming men through biblical teaching and hands-on learning. Visit for information or call the office for information and to register, (815) 469-2319.

Summer Staff: Have you considered spending a summer in ministry?  Applications for 2015 summer staff at Camp Manitoqua & Retreat Center are available online at and are being accepted starting November 1.

Training for 21st Century Pastors…

Last week I attended a training event with a number of RCA pastors and leaders in Phoenix, AZ where one of the many things that Dr Soong-Chan Rah talked about was the changing face of Christianity.  One of the greatest shifts in Christianity is that it has moved to the global South.  He shared that in 1950 the typical Christian was a 50 year old male, white, suburban, upper middle class person.  In 2015 the typical Christian lives outside North America and is a younger person from Africa, Asia or Latin America.  In 1900, 83% of Christians were white from European countries and North America.  In 2005, 40% of Christians were white/Anglo.  By 2050 it is estimated that only 29% of Christians will be white/Anglo.  According to the United States immigration demographics the U.S. minority population was about 33% in 2008.  By 2011, 50% of the children born (birth rate) in the U.S were of minority populations.  By 2023, 50% of all the children in the U.S. will be from minority populations.  By 2042, the U.S. minority population in America will be more than 50%.  In a short period of time there has been a dramatic cultural and ethnic shift in the United States and that shift will continue to grow and have impact on churches.  Are we as pastors and churches prepared for the cultural and ethnic diversity that is heading our way?  Just a RCA missionaries have had to receive intensive cultural and language training before going overseas, today’s pastors need cultural and language training to effectively reach the new challenges of post-modern Christianity and to minister effectively in a vast population of multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, multi-racial people groups.

Thom Rainer talks about the 10 greatest needs where pastors need training in reaching our new and changing culture.  They are listed below:

“1.  A new language.  If a pastor or church staff member does not “speak” social media, he or she is neglecting one of the fastest-growing trends in our nation. Indeed, in our world. It is no longer a fad; it is a primary means of communication.

2.  A non-Christian culture.  Our nation is fast becoming a non-Christian nation.  While we may lament the relative decline in the numbers who follow Christ, we must also accept the reality that we cannot assume others in our community are like us, nor hold the same values.

3.  The decline of cultural Christians in churches.  The well-known Pew Research project has confirmed the dramatic increase in the numbers of people with no religious affiliation.  This means that most people do not feel any cultural pressure to attend church.  More and more, those who are there are convicted Christians and not Christians in name only (which ought to encourage pastors).

4.  A new work/life balance.  Pastors and church staff members have always been on call 24/7.  But now through computers, smart phones, and other advances, they are connected 24/7 electronically. For better or worse, the world of work and personal life is becoming increasingly blurred.

5.  Unregenerate church members.  Cultural Christians are those who know they are not believers, but affiliate with churches because of family traditions or for cultural reasons.  Another group includes those who may cognitively assert a belief in Christ, but have not had a conversion experience.  For certain, this development is nothing new.  But in today’s church, we are seeing the cumulative cost of weak discipleship and false conversions.  How will we respond to the issue of members who are not truly believers?

6.  The community as a mission field.  Can we change our mindsets and be better prepared?  Our communities are not just changing because there are fewer Christians.  They are changing with an influx of new ethnic groups and people of other religious beliefs.

7.  Less automatic cultural respect for church leaders.  In past years, those who held the title of “pastor” or a similar nomenclature were revered in the community just by the position they held.  Such is not the case today. Respect must be earned one day at a time.

8.  A more critical world.  Many pastors and church staff members do not deal well with the more transparent and critical world in which we live.  Some retreat to a form of passivity, or take the path of least resistance.  Some quit altogether.

9.  A greater need for leadership skills.  The world in which we live is complex.  We may long for simpler times, but that won’t change our realities.  Church leaders must be better leaders in more challenging times.

10. More churches in need of revitalization.  This may be last on the list, but the need is huge.  As many as nine in 10 churches need some level of major revitalization.  There are tens of thousands of these churches, and the implications for equipping leaders for them are vast.”

How are we preparing ourselves and getting ready for this new mission field.  The harvest is great and the changing reality will require a missional passion and mindset.  It will require a total surrender of obedience to the One who sends us out into the mission field.  And that’s exactly where God wants us to be at work.  It will require that we be a “Transformed and Transforming” person, congregation, classis, region and denomination.  It will require being trained as missionaries.  What does that mission field look like in your community?  Are you talking about these new realities with your church leaders?

–Wayne Van Regenmorter

January Schedule:

26:  Reformed Community Church Consistory Meeting, Venice, FL

27:  Travel Day

28:  Office

29:  Camp Manitoqua Board Meeting/Frankfort, IL

30:  Coaching; Office

31:  Off

February Schedule

1:  Sunday Worship

2:  KEZ Meeting/Calvary Reformed Church/Orland Park, IL

3:  Synod Task Force Meeting/Delevan, WI

4-5:  Ridder Church Renewal Integrative Retreat/Green Lake, WI

6: Office

7: Off

8: Sunday Worship

Wayne’s contact information:

10088 Prairie Knoll Ct.

St. John, IN 46373

Mobile: (941) 302-1281


The following are some links you may find helpful…

What Is the Missional Church? – In this short video, Alan Hirsch says, “It’s not so much that the church has a mission, it’s that the mission of God has a church.  What does that mean in a practical way for the church?

A Church Reborn – This story of a church that had to die to be reborn into a thriving, fruitful church for Christ asks some very hard, but important questions like :”What ministries or programs in your church or organization are dying? How can you help them die to make room for new life?”

Church for the Under-Forty Crowd: Attracting Younger Adults to Congregational Life – What does it take for a church to be attractive to a younger adult?  As many churches are led to believe that following fads—such as audio-visual technology—is the only way to reach younger adults, one church chose a surprising alternative.

Christian Leaders Should Prepare For the Long Term – This interview with former RCA General Secretary Wes Granberg-Michaelson gives practical advice for leaders based on his own experiences.

January Schedule:

26: Office

27: Mult-Racial Task Force Meeting/South Holland, IL

28: Office

29: Office; Coaching

30: Office

February Schedule:

2: Office

3: RSMA Task Force Meeting/Delavan, WI

4: Ridder Church Renewal/Green Lake, WI

5: Ridder Church Renewal/Green Lake, WI

6:  Office

Chad’s Contact Information:

2104 Campbell Street

Valparaiso, IN 46383

Office: (815) 464-9181

Mobile: (765) 237-7678


Ben Ingebretson has been facilitating the church planting movement since 2013.

Ben’s Contact Information:

765 Eastridge Dr. NE

Grand Rapids, MI 49525

Mobile: (616) 481-7566


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