Our 15-year vision is moving forward with good momentum, but many churches still aren’t sure where they fit in to Transformed and Transforming.  What is it?  How might we get involved?  Is there anything useful for our church?  Check out a new section of our website to explore more and see how your church might benefit from the initiatives being formed.  http://www.rsmam.org/transformed-and-transforming/


The first Missional Mosaic learning community launched in February.  Three RSMA congregations (Calvary – South Holland, Faith – Stickney and La Capilla del Barrio – Chicago are participating. The bias awareness/cultural agility curriculum and devotions developed and co-facilitated by Rev. Tamber Bustance (from the Woodrick Diversity Learning Center) and Earl James were successfully engaged.  This two-day gathering was held at Calvary Community Church in South Holland and the learning community will meet every other month in 2015 for a total of six sessions.  Part of Transformed and Transforming, Missional Mosaic hopes to equip churches for cultural competency and empower them to live with and speak up for poor, vulnerable, and marginalized people and to advocate for compassionate justice on behalf of children, families, and communities, ensuring that they are able to experience the abundant life that Jesus intended for them.

On Martin Luther King Jr. Day, the first RSMA Youth Leadership program took place with 112 children, youth, and adults in attendance.  The program consisted of drama, dance, leadership panel, music and a presentation of Project Timothy. A story of celebration will be in a future newsletter.

News from Camp Manitoqua

Come play a full day of paintball on Camp Manitoqua & Retreat Center’s wooded course on Saturday, March 28, 2015 from 10am – 4pm. Space is limited; 7th & 8th graders must have a participating parent or guarding with them..  Cost is $36 (includes gun and mask rental, 1000 paintballs, and a box lunch). Register online at Manitoqua.org.  Please call the office for more information, (815) 469-2319.

Fathers and sons, join Camp Manitoqua & Retreat Center for our Forge weekend retreat, March 13-15, 2015. Designed to give fathers the opportunity to commission their sons to begin the process of becoming men through biblical teaching and hands-on learning. Visit www.manitoqua.org for information or call the office for information and to register, (815) 469-2319.

Partner with other volunteers for Manitoqua Ministries 12th Annual Camp Work Day.  Camp Manitoqua and King’s Camp work day is scheduled for Saturday, April 18, 2015   Lunch is provided. More information can be found on our web page, www.manitoqua.org.  Please RSVP by April 5 for Camp Manitoqua to 815.469.2319 or for King’s Camp to 815.645.8277

Summer Staff: Have you considered spending a summer in ministry?  Applications for 2015 summer staff at Camp Manitoqua & Retreat Center are available online at www.manitoqua.org and are being accepted starting November 1.

Transformation is in the Journey…

It was a hard and harsh life for the Hebrew people as slaves in Egypt.  So the people cry out to God and He hears their cry.  God says to them in Exodus 3:7:  “I have surely seen the affliction of my people who are in Egypt and have heard their cry because of their taskmasters.  I know their sufferings, and I have come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land to a good and broad land, a land flowing with milk and honey…”  I need to pause and reflect for a moment:  God hears the cries of His people; He raises up a deliverer Moses; He demonstrates mighty acts of power through the plagues; and He delivers the people from the hand of Pharaoh.

But this is what is interesting:  they’re out of Egypt and on the way to the Promised Land – the distance from where they are to where they want to go is a mere 200 miles.  That’s like nothing!  That’s like Chicago to Grand Rapids, and I’ll let you decide which is the land of oppression and which is the promised land.  The fastest way to the Promised Land is by an international trade route called the Way of the Philistines.  It’s quick, great scenic views, but God doesn’t take the people of Israel that way.  Instead, God takes them south into the desert to a place called Mount Sinai where they camp out for about a year.  A two week journey has now become a year.  “Are we there yet?”  Now Deuteronomy 1:2 tells us that from Mount Sinai to the Promised Land is an 11-day journey.  That’s less than two weeks to the Promised Land.  Do you know how long it takes them from that point to get to the Promised Land?  It takes 39 more years – a total of forty years wandering in the wilderness.  Forty years in a hard, difficult, and uncomfortable place, a place where life can barely be sustained.  Why are they in that place?  It’s not because Moses stubbornly refused to ask for directions.  I believe it’s because transformation happens in the wilderness.  It happens in the journey as God graciously and mercifully intervenes along the way.

I have had times in my life and ministry where I felt like I was treading through the wilderness.  Times when I introduced new initiatives and great plans with targeted goals to a consistory and the wheels came off in the first two months in carrying things out.  Times when I was waiting for new ministry opportunities and the interview went well, but nothing happened.  Times when I’ve had to confront broken relationships in my extended family, and feeling withdrawn from those I loved and cared – experiencing hurt, disappointment, and emotions shutting down.  The time when the doctor said to my wife, “you have cancer”, and the waiting and the praying and the caring begins.  Welcome to the wilderness!

As pastors and lay leaders most of us eventually land in the wilderness.  It feels like failure; it feels lonely; it feels like being abandoned even by God – but I am convinced it’s about transformation in the journey for all those who emerge on the other side.  Dan Rockwell of Leadership Freak once asked a leader if he had any advice about his journey in the wilderness years.  The leader responded with three questions:

  • “How are you different because of your wilderness years?”
  • “If I shared a cup of coffee with you, what life-advice would you share?  Tell me what you learned in the wilderness.”
  • “Lessons learned in the wilderness are preparation for what’s next.”  “The journey is the answer.”  (I would add, what God teaches us in the journey is the answer.)

Then Rockwell says this about wilderness wisdom:

  • Personal identity depends less on others.  Approval is wonderful.  But, after the wilderness, you see and know yourself more clearly.
  • Focus shifts from you to others.  When you begin, it’s all about you.  After the wilderness, it’s about others.
  • Hearing expands.  Before the wilderness, you know.  After the wilderness, you listen, even though you know more.
  • Passion emerges.  New things are born after the wilderness.

The wilderness is a place of strength of character, emerging passion, and clarity of purpose.  It’s a place where we are reminded of God’s power and His provision and His care and His compassion and His love and His faithfulness.  You see for the Hebrew people, the Nile River Valley in Egypt, because of the plagues, that fertile place where there should have been food, there wasn’t.  But in the desert, that barren place where there shouldn’t have been any food, God provided manna.  It’s the Bible’s way of saying that when everything is going good in your life, the most favorable circumstances without God is actually a place of death.  While in the worst circumstances with the presence of God in the wilderness is a place of life, and strength, renewed passions, and growth.  None of us have really lived until we’ve experienced the thought that we might not make it through the wilderness.  What have you learned in the wilderness?

–Wayne Van Regenmorter

February Schedule:

23:  Transformed and Transforming Google Hangout

24-26:  RCA KEZ Retreat/ Chicago, IL

27:  Renewal and Leadership Development Gathering/First Reformed Church/Tampa, FL

28:  Consistory Retreat/Heartland Community Church/Lafayette, IN

March Schedule:

1:  Sunday Worship

2:  Pastors Learning Event/Second Reformed Church/Fulton, IL

3:  Synod Executive Team Go-to-Meeting

4:  Illinois Executive Committee Meeting/Second Reformed Church/Fulton, IL

5:  Office

6:  Meeting/Downers Grove, IL

7:  Off

8:  Sunday Worship

9:  Meeting/Camp Manitoqua/Frankfort, IL

10:  Wisconsin Classis Meeting/New Hope Community Church/Wausau, WI

11:  Meeting/Dyer, IN

12:  Office

13:  Coaching

14:  Travel Day

15:  Congregation Meeting/Reformed Community Church/Venice, FL

Wayne’s contact information:

10088 Prairie Knoll Ct.

St. John, IN 46373

Mobile: (941) 302-1281

Email:  wregen@rsmam.org

The following are some links you may find helpful…

5 Mistakes That Will Destroy Your Church’s Effectiveness (And What to Do About It) – What if your church spent thousands of dollars and devoted thousands of hours on service projects around your city that made no impact? Sometimes our efforts miss the mark. Though our hearts are in the right place in these efforts, the ultimate goal is restoration for others in the city. There are five mistakes that the church can make and four things a church must do to make sure our impact is truly merciful and lasting.

The Death of Religion and the Rise of Faith – This Harvard Political Review article argues that America is not a post-religious society, despite what sensationalist headlines may have us believe. While the general popularity and scope of organized religion are currently on the decline, the future will reveal very different trajectories. The article talks about innovation as a key to the future of the church.

Why Great Leaders Embrace Uncertainty – Confidence goes a long way in leadership. No one will follow a wishy-washy leader. To solidify your authority, you need to make decisions–often without all the information you’d like–and stick to them.  This INC. article explores how when the stakes are high, smart leaders will embrace the uncertainty.

February Schedule:

23: Office; Annual Audit Meeting/Crown Point

24: Office; Coaching

25: Office; Coaching

26: Office; Coaching; Meeting/Merrillville, IN

27:  Office

March Schedule:

2: Office

3: RSMA Executive Team Video Conference

4: Office

5: Office; Coaching

6: Office

9: Travel to Wausau Wisconsin for Classis Meeting

10: Wisconsin Classis Meeting – New Hope Community Church/Wausau, WI

11: Office

12: Office

13: Office

Chad’s Contact Information:

2104 Campbell Street

Valparaiso, IN 46383

Office: (815) 464-9181

Mobile: (765) 237-7678

Email: chad@rsmam.org

Ben Ingebretson has been facilitating the church planting movement since 2013.

Ben’s Contact Information:

765 Eastridge Dr. NE

Grand Rapids, MI 49525

Mobile: (616) 481-7566

Email: beningebretson@gmail.com

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