News from the Regional Synod of Mid-America
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NewsMissional Cafe – On April 26 a gathering of leaders from the RCA and CRC will learn about discipleship, evangelism, and initiative for churches.  Seven speakers including Jason DeVries, Dave Izenbart, and Jason Perry will be sharing where they see God at work and leading a discussion about joining Him.  For more information and to sign up, go to

Starting a 2nd Service Webinar – (Note new date – it isn’t too late to sign up) The Synod is providing opportunity to learn and design a second service strategy for next fall or 2015!   Three Monday 90 minute webinars March 25 at 9 CT, April 28 and May 19 at 2 pm CT.   Together these webinars will cover discerning readiness, laying a foundation, identifying a target, launching strategies, biggest mistakes made, assimilation and much more.  If you’ve even wondered about starting a second service, you’ll gain insight and be helped.  The training features experienced pastors and is being coordinated through the synod by Ben Ingebretson.  There is no charge for these events.  Register by emailing Chad Schuitema.

Join the Illiana-Florida Church Multiplication Movement – The Illiana / Florida Classis Church Multiplication team is looking for church planters for upcoming projects!  We provide assessment, training, coaching, support and funding for new church plants.  If you are interested, go to and click “start process.”

Camp Manitoqua Capture the Flag – Storm the base, Capture the flag, and Win the game! Camp Manitoqua and Retreat Center invites you out to one of the most epic days of paintball you will ever experience! For High School and older only, join us on April 5th for a one-day paintball event from 10am – 4pm.  Call the office for additional information, (815) 469.2319.

Camp Manitoqua Work Day – Come partner with other volunteers at Manitoqua Ministries Annual Camp Work Day.  Camp Manitoqua and King’s Camp work day is scheduled for Saturday, April 12, 2014   Lunch is provided. More information can be found on our web page,  Please RSVP by April 5 for Camp Manitoqua to (815) 469-2319 or for King’s Camp to (815) 645-8277.

This issue’s story comes from River Rock Community Church in Wisconsin and Pastor Jon Nienhuis…

In April 2013 I began the Ridder Church Renewal process.  Ridder has been a season of personal transformation. One big lesson I have learned is God leads us to past hurts, pains, brokenness, and sins not to be mean but because he loves us and wants to bring healing, restoration, and forgiveness.  I always knew this lesson, but I have known it intellectually.  During this past year God has helped me to learn this lesson in my heart.  Now that I have learned this at a deeper level it has given courage to trust God more and to allow him to lead me deeper in other areas.

Ridder has also been a great evangelistic tool as I connect with friends who don’t know about God’s love and his truth.  Recently as I was talking with a friend the Ridder concept of Public, Private, and Secret Self came up.  As I explained the concept I could see how he was both being drawn in and apprehensive at the same time.  Our conversation hasn’t gone deeper yet but I have been able to share my personal journey of transformation and the truth of God’s love and God’s desire to bring healing and restoration to the areas of our lives we try so hard to keep hidden from others.

As a follow up, today I met with my friend for coffee.  As we talked, he began to share his Private Self with me.  I praise God for the opportunity to walk alongside my friend as he began to share and how God is using the Ridder process to transform me and my conversations with others.

*Telling our stories is a way for us to encourage each other and to share what the Spirit is doing through the churches and people of our synod.  As you share yours, others may be empowered to do similar things or the Spirit may use it as a starting point for another idea to reach people for Christ.  We encourage you to share!

If you would like to share a story for a future issue, please email

Wayne’s Schedule:
March  24-27:  General Synod Council Meeting/Phoenix, AZ
27-29:   Ridder Church Renewal Event/Muskegon, MI
30:  Sunday Worship
31:  Transformed and Transforming Launch Team Meeting/Vancouver, Canada

Wayne’s contact information:
10088 Prairie Knoll Ct.
St. John, IN 46373
Mobile: (941) 302-1281

The following are some links you may find helpful…
5 Tips for Living an Extraordinary Life: In this video, Bob Goff, author of Love Does tells us 5 tips for living better.
Ways to Make a Huge Impact on Easter Sunday: Some common sense and creative ideas to be welcoming and have a larger impact on visitors this Easter.
The Vast Majority of Multi-Site Churches Are Growing: Take a look at some statistics, read what God is doing in the multi-site movement, and perhaps be inspired.

Chad’s Schedule:
24-26: Vacation
27-29: Ridder Church Renewal Event/Muskegon, MI
31: Office
1: Office
2: Specialized Transitional Minister Meeting
3: Multi-Racial Initiative Meeting
4: Executive Team Meeting

Chad’s Contact Information:
2533 Mar Ruth Drive
Lafayette, IN 47905
Office: (815) 464-9181
Mobile: (765) 237-7678